Believe it or not, you can learn a lot about leadership and how to achieve goals by listening to Star Wars. Read more to discover what Disney World taught me.
Read MoreI want to have an honest conversation about how sometimes – no matter how experienced you are, or how far along you are – things still suck.
Read MoreI have been working on a new tool to support leaders. It will help leaders realize that what they fear most may actually be what helps them shine the most. I am introducing it as the Under the Bed Exercise.
Read MoreI recently posted this on my personal Facebook and noticed that it resonated with a lot of my friends. That post inspired this week’s blog. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you should add me on my personal page, as it turns out I bring just as much wisdom and cleverness there as I do on my professional pages.
Read MoreThis week’s blog is for leaders and managers. In my experience, the #1 complaint among new leaders is: “Why is my team not getting their work done?” Sound familiar?
Read MoreThe title for this week’s post probably sounds like clickbait. Warning! It’s not! I seriously want to chat about how Spanx helped me have a breakthrough in self-love.
Read MoreI’m someone who will do anything and everything it takes to accomplish a goal. I’ll conquer it, accomplish it, and then I’ll pull back. In other words, reaching a goal for me was like reaching the “end,” and gave me the right to stop. It became a bit of a stall out on the continuation of other things I wanted to accomplish. Does any of that sound familiar?
Read MoreThe first way that I notice I self-sabotage myself from being great is owning my responsibility with blame.
Read MoreI went to Greece for 12 days, and my husband and I had such an intimate and incredible experience. We were so present in what we were doing. It actually felt like we were gone for two months! How I've been describing the experience is that it felt like the trip fully expressed what I've felt in a really long time.
Read MoreIt’s is almost 7:30 PM where I am and I realized I still hadn’t filmed a video for today. To be honest, a part of me just didn't want to film one at all.
Read MoreI think most people know by now that I fly to Chicago once a month to train leaders and coaches at Accomplishment Coaching. What's super cool is that we just hit the halfway point of a twelve month program.
Read MoreBack in the day, I was a self proclaimed “Hater of Self-Help Books”. I was in a book club prior to starting my coaching journey and the book we were reading was You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay. I hated it.
Read MoreSummertime is ending. Schools are about to reopen. Office hours are about to return to normal. Your supervisors are back from their vacation exoduses. Your clients are back with high demands. The time has come to get back into “work mode.” If any of these sentences made you feel nauseous, then this article is for you.
Read MoreFeelings. We got 'em. Go give Episode 4: Inside Out a listen to hear Joslyn, Laura, and I dish out our thoughts on Pixar's Inside Out, particularly how the movie masterfully highlights the importance of our emotional health.
Read MoreIn every area of our lives there comes a time when we have a story we want to share. And without always realizing it, there also comes a time when we have a story we need to share. When we begin to find the words to describe our life experiences, we grow
Read MoreTalking about my own relationship to process may be the best way to revive my blog after almost two months of silence. Life is filled with process--going through K-12, transitioning between jobs, raising children...growing a blog following--and what I have owned about myself recently is how much I try to resist process.
Read MoreDuring my last session with my coach, I declared a breakdown in one of my projects. For a little context, the difference between having a breakdown and declaring one is that within the declaration is the chance to get responsible for how the project has gone thus far and decide what is next.
Read MoreWhen I decided to focus on supporting women in getting life to run on their terms, I hadn’t realized how much of my time would be spent telling my own story of becoming the leader of my life. I knew I would be coaching, and at times offering feedback, but I hadn’t considered that my story would be so central to building my community.
Read MoreYup, you read it right. I’ll get to the subject line in a second. Last week I was having a conversation with a colleague about feedback. You see, as a Mentor Coach at Accomplishment Coaching, I am on a team where feedback is crucial—it’s how you get trained and where you get the chance for someone to catch the things you can’t.
Read MoreHow often do you remember to keep it simple? Last week while on WMPG’s Successful Balanced Living Radio Show, I got pretty honest about how I used to think of coaching: “If you need a coach, your life must be a wreck.”
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