Under The Moon Gate Podcast

I had the absolute pleasure of being a guest on the Under the Moon Gate podcast with Erin Bagwell. We had such a rich conversation about kitchen witchery, the power of community, and more. Grateful for the space Erin held for me to share about my own magic. Go give it a listen and let me know what resonates!

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How To Embrace The Waning Gibbous Moon

Once a month, the moon's celestial dance graces us with the Waning Gibbous phase. During this time, it’s in the sixth cycle of its phase and is slowly shrinking from full to, well, not-so-full. And just as the moon wanes, shedding its luminous glow, we too can let go of what no longer serves us. It’s a time of introspection and release — a moment to reflect on the journey we've traveled so far.

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The Making Of The Sensible Witch Oracle Deck

Hear Her Roar’s Sensible Witch Oracle is a deck designed with love, magic, and reverence with the intention of inviting you in to enter and explore. Immerse yourself into the art. Sink into the colors and textures. Both new to oracle and seasoned readers alike will find these cards evoking their intuition! I embarked on this project in November 2022, having been inspired by coaching work I was doing with women leaders inside of a group program of the same name — The Sensible Witch.

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Simple Ways To Create Sensible Witchiness In Your Life

I’m often asked, “What is The Sensible Witch really about? Is it about teaching people witchcraft?” And my honest response to this is that anything can be witchcraft. Or more importantly, anything can be turned into a ritual — as long as there’s intention behind it. Here are some simple ways to create sensible witchiness in your life (that you may not even be considering!)…

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Align Your Mind, Body & Spirit For Powerful Manifestation

Manifesting is a spiritual practice based on the belief that what you put out into the universe will come back to you. But it’s more than simply thinking inspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them reality… True manifestation occurs when your mind, body, and spirit are in alignment. By nurturing all aspects of your being, you tap into a deep well of manifesting energy. 

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Small Acts of Self-Care (That Have Big Impact!)

Juggling work, family, life, and hobbies demands a lot of energy from us! It’s so easy to forget about ourselves, putting our own self-care on the back burner. But, self-care doesn't need to be complicated. Sometimes, the small acts of self-care can have the biggest impact. The ones that spark that little feeling of joy that then starts to fester inside of you into something more.

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6 Signs You Should Hire a Coach

I don't want to hold back in my quest for a bold, enriched life and career… and I don't want you to either! I started Hear Her Roar to build up women to take on anything life throws at them. Not only that, but I love creating a judgement-free space that allows my clients to access their brilliance. And if no one has told you already, let me be the first — it's there! 

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3 Ways to Love Yourself

Despite knowing that we can’t pour from an empty cup, so many of us prioritize the well-being of others over our very own mental, physical and spiritual health. Well, it’s time to put an end to that! Here’s why… By prioritizing self-care and self-love, we show up as the *best version* of ourselves — for everyone in our lives. And when we feel our best, THAT’S where the magic happens. 

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