Colette Stefan, host of The Truth is Funny Radio Show, had me on to share the value in not just being outspoken as a leader…but also silent as one. There is power in silence, tune into the recording to learn more about what I mean.
Read MoreSometimes when I sit down to write or film, I am completely stumped.
When that happens, I tend to get into my head and freak out a bit. What sometimes help me, in these moments, is doing a card reading.
Read MoreI usually talk about the kind of leader that you are. This week, I want to focus on the leader that you are not – or, can’t be.
Read MoreYou may have noticed that I decided not to post a blog last week. I made that decision for a very particular reason. If you live in the United States, you know about the current movements activated around social and racial justice. Last week, as a stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, I decided to mute myself.
Read MoreLet’s talk about misogyny.
Specifically, I want to talk about the inner misogynist that many female leaders harbor without even knowing it.
Read MoreThis week’s blog will help team leaders who are struggling to move a project move forward. Keep reading if you are the leader of a team and you notice that your project results are halted or experiencing false starts.
Read MoreHey you, I see you. I know who you are. Thanks for being here.
What I know about you is that you've been looking for a sign. More specifically, you've been looking for that sign that you're okay and that it's going to be okay. I know you've been looking for it because that's usually the sign that I need too. I'm here to tell you that it is okay.
Read MoreI define a Validation Vampire as someone who craves… you guessed it… validation. And the way they crave validation can show up in a number of ways. Look for yourself.
Read MoreFor those of you who have kept up with my weekly blogs and videos, I’ve been dropping hints about a resource I’ve been developing, to support those who are looking for some direction in honing into their leadership style. It’s officially here, and it’s in a super fun Buzzfeed-esque quiz format! The Leadership Gremlin Quiz!
Read MoreThe thing about commitment is that you likely will have a hard time seeing how it relates to results in the area where you feel stuck… because you are stuck. To get un-stuck, it’s helpful to look at commitment in an area of your life that you feel is working to really see the relationship.
Read MoreOur spirit, our divinity, and our power do not exist outside of us. They are inherently within us, waiting to be claimed and shone onto the world.
Read MoreAs a sneak peek at a longer interview I did for the Abundant Culture podcast, I want to let you in on one of my favorite conversations that we covered in the episode, which will be released in June.
How do you create your best leadership style? How do you adapt a leadership style that resonates with you, means the most to you, and really expresses who you are?
Read MoreAs a coach and a leader, I feel like it would be tone deaf of me to continue to create productivity or leadership content without framing it within the context of our world right now. In fact, I believe it is important to not undermine or be ignorant of how we are affected right now.
Read MoreLet’s talk about feelings. We’re in social isolation right now. For most people, this is probably the most time you have had to spend with yourself in a really long time.
Read MoreIn the wake of world events, I made the decision to launch a virtual group – “Heard: A Space for Space during Shitty Situations.” This virtual platform has become the place for people to come together twice a week to feel heard, seen, and acknowledged during these uncertain times.
Read MoreWhat do you do when things get tough? Do you quit? Do you push through? Stephen King is somehow the inspiration for this week’s blog post, read what the film “The Mist” taught me about pushing through and how that applies to reaching our goals.
Read MoreWhat do parental relationships and leadership have in common? Tune into the episode of Why Your Relationships Suck? that I co-hosted with Bob Conlin to find out. You can listen by clicking the title.
Read MoreHayden Humphrey’s Elevate Podcast was the perfect place to dive deep on a real conversation around leader care — how to tune into self-love, where spirituality fits into it all. Click the title to tune in.
Read MoreChristopher McAuliffe of The Coaching Show generously interviewed me to get the recap on speaking at ICF Converge in Prague about coaching millennials (from a millennial!). Click the title to listen.
Read MoreInterested in gaining insight on one of the biggest questions for the coaching world right now? Read the article I contributed to the ICF’s blog, Coaching World, on how to coach millennial leaders. (Spoiler Alert: it’s simpler than you think)
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