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How To Embrace The Waning Gibbous Moon

Once a month, the moon's celestial dance graces us with the Waning Gibbous phase. During this time, it’s in the sixth cycle of its phase and is slowly shrinking from full to, well, not-so-full. And just as the moon wanes, shedding its luminous glow, we too can let go of what no longer serves us. It’s a time of introspection and release — a moment to reflect on the journey we've traveled so far.

Here are four ways to embrace the Waning Gibbous Moon:

Create an introspection ritual.

Are you happy? Do your everyday actions align with your values and goals? If not, call it out and make the necessary adjustments to your daily routine, goals, or mindset.

Consider the lessons you’ve learned.

Whether it was simply an observation you took to heart, or something you learned the hard way, take note.

Reflect on the wisdom you’ve gained.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda, right? Right or wrong, you cannot change the past. So, reflect on what you’ve gained and learn from it.

Think about the burdens you can release.

Not only that, but celebrate how much space you’ll have for new beginnings.

Commit to journeying through the coming month with purpose and empowerment.

When there’s intention behind your actions, that’s when the magic happens.

Did you know that in my transformative coaching sessions and programs, we harness the power of lunar cycles like the Waning Gibbous Moon to guide your personal and professional growth? Together, we'll navigate the ebb and flow of life, releasing the past to make way for your brilliant future.

How will YOU make the most of this Waning Gibbous energy? Share your intentions below, and let's journey through the next month with purpose and empowerment.