Hear Her Roar

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5 Ways to Create Strong Communication

We all know the saying ‘communication is key.’ But did you know that how you communicate can have a big impact on your life at work, at home, and out in the world? 

Yep! In fact, your communication style can mean the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship. Here are a few quick reminders that help lead to strong communication with the ones you interact with the most. 

1. Explore topics with open-ended questions. 

Instead of asking, “Did you have fun today?,” which can be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, try asking “What was your favorite part of today?” Not only does this give them the opportunity to elaborate on the details from their own perspective, but they feel more comfortable offering their opinions and personal thoughts.  

2. Try to end conversations on a positive note.

Of course, not every interaction is going to be positive. But it’s still possible to end difficult conversations in a positive manner. This could be as simple as thanking them for sitting down with you, or agreeing to revisit the conversation at a later time.

3. Practice speaking directly. 

Direct communication is the best way to ensure your needs and wants are being heard. By clearly articulating your thoughts, with specific examples, you can help get the point across in a concise and productive way. Beating around the bush, and assuming your indirect communication is being picked up on, is not effective. 

4. Use ‘I statements’ to express how you’re feeling.

Identifying and expressing how you are feeling in any particular situation is a great way to uplevel your communication skills. Instead of saying, “You made me upset when…,” trying flipping the script to “I feel…” or “My experience has been…”  Not only does it feel less confrontational to them, but it can help you hone in on your own feelings and triggers.

5. Go into each conversation with intention. 

Ask yourself, what is the overall goal or purpose of this conversation? If your intention is to prove a point, you will likely head into the conversation feeling defensive. Instead, establish your goals and become aware of the impact of your words.

These skills can take some time to master, especially if they are outside of your comfort zone. Now, tell me! Which one of these tips do you struggle with the most?