Hear Her Roar

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When Women Are Heard

In every area of our lives there comes a time when we have a story we want to share. And without always realizing it, there also comes a time when we have a story we need to share. When we begin to find the words to describe our life experiences, we grow. We are able to reframe difficult moments and celebrate joyful ones. There is a power found in being seen and heard.

As a coach, when I am seen and heard, it means that my work is working. My practice grows and my network flourishes. I get to connect with powerful women ready to create more success and less work. And in our partnership, their vision gets to be seen and heard, and stood for. I am powerful.

As a person, when I am seen and heard, it means my needs are being met. I have access to support, in processing the struggles I go through, and in cheering over the victories. I am loved.

As a woman, when I am seen and heard, it means that I am safe. I am accepted.

When women are heard, something changes. They too gain unconditional access to Power, Love, and Acceptance.

So imagine: if all it took to create power, love, and acceptance was learning how to be seen and heard, wouldn't you?

Well, here is your chance:

On September 12th, the Speaker Sisterhood of Portland will be holding its open house at the Portland Public Library

The event will run from 6:00PM - 8:00PM and is free for all women. For more details and to RSVP, click here