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Small Acts of Self-Care (That Have Big Impact!)

Juggling work, family, life, and hobbies demands a lot of energy from us! It’s so easy to forget about ourselves, putting our own self-care on the back burner. But, self-care doesn't need to be complicated. Sometimes, the small acts of self-care can have the biggest impact. The ones that spark that little feeling of joy that then starts to fester inside of you into something more.

Not to mention the endless benefits! A small act of self-care can improve your physical health, reduce your stress and anxiety, boost your self-esteem, protect your mental health, lower your risk of illness, and even lead to better relationships.

So, when you only have a few minutes how do you prioritize self-care? Here are 5 small acts of self-care to get you started:

Somatic Release

Whether it’s a good workout, a good stretch, or a good cry, somatic release is a great way to discharge energy that’s trapped in your body. 


Aside from the fact that releasing your thoughts onto paper is incredibly therapeutic, journaling can help you recognize habits, triggers, priorities and more.


Did you know that listening to music for an average of just 11 minutes per day can deliver therapeutic benefits? And that just 5 minutes can boost your feelings of happiness? It’s time to hit play, DJ!


A 10-30 minute walk can help ward off negative moods. And when combined with positive social interactions, the benefits only increase. 


When life is hectic, create the calm. Light your favorite candle and enjoy the aroma and soft-lighting in peace.

Let’s do MORE of the things that bring us joy, shall we? I’d love to hear which of these acts of self-care is your go-to! And if I missed one of your favorites, be sure to let me know in the comments.