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3 Ways To Bring Intention Into Your Workplace

According to recent studies, the average American spends nearly one third of their life at work. In fact, this is higher than most countries around the world and some would argue that we’re the most overworked nation on the planet. Keeping this in mind, it only makes sense to ensure that our workplace is meaningful, fulfilling and intentional.

Here are 3 ways to bring intention into your workplace this month:

1. Mark key milestones and transitions.

Not only is this a great time to celebrate accomplishments, but it’s also an opportunity to remind everyone of their significance to the project or goal you’re working towards. Whether it’s a strategic planning session or quarterly review, use milestones as an opportunity to align your team, review and refine strategies, and renew your collective focus.

2. Select crystals that are aligned with your professional aspirations.

Crystals and gems can serve as a tangible reminder of your goals! Here are some of our favorite crystals for work success:

  • Citrine to foster leadership

  • Blue lace agate to enhance communication

  • Sunstone to improve creativity

  • Selenite to foster productivity

  • Rose quartz to enhance support, balance, and peace

3. Leverage astrological insights as a tool for strategic planning.

Consider the unique energies associated with your astrological sign and those on your team, and use this guidance to navigate challenges and capitalize on cosmic alignments. Astrological insights can be leveraged in everything from decision making and hiring to marketing and branding.

Which one are you going to try? Let us know in the comments below.